We went Elk hunting for 4 days over Labor Day weekend. It was a lot of fun. The trip started out slow. Our 3 1/2 hour drive turned into a 5 hour drive because we ended up stopping a little more than we planned. We also had a tire blow out. Luckily it was 5 to 10 miles south of the Cove Fort Chevron. We ended up getting two new tires because our spare had some big cracks in it. We were just grateful it got us to the Chevron tire shop.

Brycen had lots of fun helping set up the trailer and our beds. We also went on lots of hikes, picked flowers and kept a little camp journal about what we learned about. He practiced writing some of his letters and the kids and I colored a LOT.

The boys both loved riding the four wheeler. Sadly, Brycen has grown out of his helmet, and we have not purchased a new one for him, yet. Therefore, we did not get to take the kids for as many rides as we would have liked to.

I was quite proud of myself too. In my pregnant state, I awakened before everyone else the first morning to set up the rest of camp and make breakfast. We all had a lot of fun!

Saturday night a big mama moose walked along the mountain side right by our camp. My little boys were SUPER excited to see a real animal so closely. I was glad they got to see the moose, because they didn't really get to see any other animals other than other campers dogs.
We left the mountain empty-handed after this hunt, because all Ryan and his family (the ones who were hunting) saw were cow elk with their little calves (who can shoot a mom with a baby?!?). I think he may have seen a spike or two, but it was too windy to take a shot.
Anyway, it was okay because my dad took Ryan hunting a few weeks ago, and Ryan shot this beast.

We have lots of meat now, but most of it is sliced for jerky because the elk he shot was pretty old, so the meat will be pretty tough. I think I am going to try bottling some of it too. We'll have to see how that goes. :)