Saturday, February 6, 2010


Two weeks ago I had the chance to get a 50 lb. case of pickling cucumbers from a produce co-op I am involved with. So...I made pickles! The cukes were cheap, so I decided to get a case and try out a few recipes. This way I know what I and/or my family like for future gardening endeavors.
The first recipe I made was a Sweet Relish recipe I got from one of my friends. I have never really eaten relish on, well, anything. This relish is really yummy! I am glad I now have ten pint jars of it, and my friend has her three year supply too! :)

The second recipe I tried was Cucumber Chips. They are another sweet pickle, and I thought they turned out nicely. I even julienne sliced them, so they are not only tasty, but pretty too! I am not sure if every chip is crispy...but they have a good flavor. In the future I am going to have to hunt down some Calcium Chloride to ensure that every slice is crispy.

The third recipe I am trying is a Deli Dill Pickle recipe from my sister's "Ball Complete Book of Home Canning" recipe book. I don't have a picture of them yet because they must sit for another week or two to brine on my counter top. So far they smell good! Hopefully they bottle well too when the time comes.
I had enough cucumbers to do one more batch of something, but I ended up giving them away so I could start on another project which I will have to post about soon. (Reupholstering some seats in a little toy hauler/trailer we bought).


  1. I think you need to try making something called "Jardiniarre." Or something like that. It's an Italian pickled vegetable thinga-ma-bob... carrots, cauliflower, onions and I don't know what all.

    I bet you'd like that, too, Sara. I have a friend who makes a good one. You want that recipe?
